Monday, April 26, 2010


Stephen Hawking:

I don't believe that the ultimate theory will come by steady work along existing lines. We need something new. We can't predict what that will be or when we will find it because if we knew that, we would have found it already!
Science Watch (September 1994) From Wikiquote, (accessed 19.4.10) try

Charles Darwin:

I love fools' experiments. I am always making them.
As quoted in "Charles Robert Darwin" by E. Ray Lankester in Library of the World's Best Literature : Ancient and Modern (1902) edited by Charles Dudley Warner, p. 4391

Nicole Kuepper:

In short - I am trying to save the world – one solar cell at a time! Through my PhD I am researching a new silicon solar cell called the iJET Cell that will be able to be manufactured in developing countries by using simple, inexpensive and widely available equipment such as inkjet printing.
Interview from:
(accessed 19.4.10) trying to save the world – one solar cell at a time!


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Link to Model on Dropio

The model is titled ARCH1101_EXP1_2010_JeromeSaad

Model Walkthroughs

Friday, April 9, 2010

Final Model !!!

This cross section of both studios expressed how they are both opposites balancing eachother.

Two different artists working close by with different styles and methods - one working in a curved open studio, and the other in a composite rectilinear studio space; yet both spaces still work together as a whole.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Klaus Field Chapel

I Love this Chapel and the fact that it's so simple and also effective.
It Stands out of it's surroundings like a monument and only uses basic materials, wood and concrete.
It shows that the choice of materials don't have to be complicated to make an exceptional building and space.

Applied Textures with Piccinini's Skull

Piccinini's Studio was really simple in terms of shape and texture. "Keep it simple stupid" was the motto for her studio, very elemental without loosing it's wow factor. Peter Zumthor was kinda the inspiration for it. his works don't necessarily make use of overly complicated materials but they still have an overwhelming presence.
I wanted to express the physicality of each material; the timber against the smooth concrete, or the contrast between textured porous and smooth concrete in the outdoor steps.

My favorite work from Zumthor would be the Brother Klaus Field Chapel in Germany simply due to the way he used wood and concrete to produce an unbelievable texture and space. I want to be able to replicate the same maner in which he expressed the quality of each material used; even though it's prsence is no longer there, the marks it leaves behind while moulding the concrete would still be there.

Applied Textures with Swallow's Watercolours (underground studio)

Swallow's studio sits on the other side of the spectrum when compared with Piccinini's overground. - Swallow has one entire space whereas Piccinini has multiple individual spaces
- Swallow's is smooth and curve with an open free form glass roof and Piccinini's contains simple geometries and solid wooden roofing.

The curves, glass roof, and the tunnel linking the two spaces all appeal to youth and children. who doesn't love a good underground tunnel or a massive room to yell out "echo!!!" and a glass roof to want to climb on even though it might collapse :P

Saturday, April 3, 2010

New Outdoor Gallery :D

I decided to dumb down the previous version of my Scarpia inspired steps and make it as one piece ( both step and display). It's size makes it a dominant feature in the landscape and it's off center orientation helps to dull down and soften the extremely rectilinear overground studio.

The curved paths purposely break the strong lines in Piccinini's studio and provide an organic feel to the ground plane. they also suit the youthful theme of Swallow's underground space.



