Sunday, May 2, 2010

Final Model - Charles Darwin Lab

This is Charles Darwin's side the combined lab. I wanted to allow him the best possible view of the landscape having him face the rest of the islands and the beach. It is composed of three floors, the lower two which can be accessed form the landscape itself ( sloping towards the platforms) and the highest one...well lets say there can be an elevator in the central support lol ( I didn't want to ruin the simple aesthetics of the structure)

I wanted the whole structure as a whole to be nestled between two major mountains - expressing the goals of the two scientists and where their answers can be found; in the very environment they are surrounded with.

I also wanted to express 'fools' experiments' by hanging the structure from the one central platform - leaving it to float there in that small valley.
i balanced that with symmetry, expressing the pure deductive processes that science involves.

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